I may just be being really dumb.. or something.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by madyoda, Mar 4, 2014.

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    I currently have this piece of code;
    1. public static Inventory parkour = Bukkit.createInventory(null, 9, ChatColor.DARK_RED +""+ ChatColor.BOLD + "YodaGames BETA | PvP Kit!");
    2. static {
    3. //Inventory stuff here
    4. }

    The "null" part of createInventory is the player, and it appears the[parkour] inventory is shared between players. How would I go about making this inventory 1 per player?

    Sorry if it's something simple, knowing my knowledge I should know this but I guess I can't figure it out :p

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    Create one for each player instead of just using one...also why is all of that static?
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    Well, your storing it in a single variable. You need a collection, like a HashMap and you will have to loop through and create one for all players and store it in that hashmap using the player UUID as a key.
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    The player name would work fine as a key.
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    Thank you. I have no idea why it's all static.
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    Unless he wants to serialize it and write it to a file.
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    I was assuming based on what he posted that he had no plans to do that.
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