[Request] Custom Plots

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Carter_, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: PLOTS

    Suggested name: LandOffice

    What I want: A custom plot plugin. Preferably protected by WorldGuard Regions, but not needed. I would like 100x100 plots, and some custom commands. I want this to be different than the generic plot systems out there by maybe even letting them sell, buy, auction their plots, and then also have the original claim, and auto. I would like their to be a way for only admins to take away plots by making a repo command. Also please have different flags included that can be toggled, like chest-access firespread lever and button access, etc. I also would like for their to be worldedit in the plots, and the ability for them to make it so no one else can enter their plot. Also I would like for their to be an option of what type of biome your plot is, and maybe the generation of it. Another thing i would like is if you could add people to your plot and let people remove themselves from others plots, remove others from their own plots, request to be added to others plots by using a request command of some sort. and custom borders to the plots that can be configured in the config files or something like that. also an id system to the plots (0,0 0,1 1,1 etc.) and customizable responses to these commands. and the spawn being the "Landoffice" and capability for multiple plots per player toggled in config

    Ideas for commands: /landoffice (telports them to spawn) /plot auto /plot claim /plot <plot> remove <player> /plot <plot> add <player> /plot <plot> flag <flag> <true;false> /plot <plot> restrict-access /plot <plot> worldedit <true:false> /plot <plot> biome <biome> /landoffice repo <player> <plot>

    Ideas for permissions: auto.landoffice repo.landoffice claim.landoffice removeplayer.landoffice addplayer.landoffice teleport.landoffice flags.landoffice restrictacsess.landoffice worldedit.landoffice biome.landoffice

    When I'd like it by: Whenever is convenient.(Whatever time it takes. No rush.)

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