Coloured Tab Tags, Help please!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by dillonpure11, Feb 25, 2014.

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    So, I've been on this server for quite a while now, and I decided to buy my own host, and I was wondering what plug in they were using for the colored names when you press tab, I've looked everywhere but sadly I cannot even find it. Could someone please tell me what plugin this is, or how to do this? Videos, Pictures, etc would be great thank you in Advanced![​IMG]
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    ONI Ricky

    I found this one with a simple Google search, there may be better ones out there but this one is pretty simple, just give the player or group the permission for what color you want them to have and they have it. Be careful though, groups/players with the '*' will then give them all of the permissions for all the colors which will probably do something stupid :)
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