Solved WorldGuard: Building Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ONI Ricky, Feb 17, 2014.

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    ONI Ricky

    I have a spawn protected by a worldguard, build is set to off along with a few other flags to keep players safe at spawn. I would like some staff to be able to build in this region but not in every region. Is there anyway I can do this?
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    /region addmember (regionname) (playername)
  3. Offline

    ONI Ricky

    I did that, they still can't build and he gets the message "You don't have permission for this area" But when I do ./region info he is a member.
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    Try : /region addowner (regionname) (playername)
    And set in bukkit.yml spawn-protection to 0
  5. Offline

    ONI Ricky

    I've done that too, and that also does not work. There are no other regions in the world for it to be overlapping.
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    And set in bukkit.yml spawn-protection to 0 | did you do that?
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    ONI Ricky

    This is my entire bukkit.yml file: (I see nothing about spawn protection)
    allow-end: false
    warn-on-overload: true
    permissions-file: permissions.yml
    update-folder: update
    ping-packet-limit: 100
    use-exact-login-location: false
    plugin-profiling: false
    connection-throttle: 4000
    query-plugins: true
    deprecated-verbose: default
    shutdown-message: ONI Craft is restarting, please give it a second to start back up.
    monsters: 25
    animals: 15
    water-animals: 5
    ambient: 15
    period-in-ticks: 600
    load-threshold: 0
    animal-spawns: 400
    monster-spawns: 1
    autosave: 0
    enabled: false
    - warn-console
    - warn-ops
    - warn-console
    - warn-ops
    preferred-channel: rb
    suggest-channels: true
    aliases: now-in-commands.yml
  8. Offline


    Don't set build deny. Don't touch the build flag. Make it build: none. Build stops everyone from building. By default only members/owners can build.
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    ONI Ricky

    Thank you so much! I've been trying to figure that out for a while :I
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