Im trying to make multiple worlds, and i need help?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by hercules_88, Feb 7, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    Im trying to make a mini game server and I'm having a hard time because normally you need more than one world running on your server for this, because of the chat and the games. All i need to know is how to make a worlds for every game. Ive seen a lot of plugins for this but idk which one is the one that the other servers use (and which one works…well)? I would REALY like this if i could know!

    Thank you! :)
  2. Offline


    Well what i would do is just put it all on one world and seperate the chat and so using this kind of method So anyone in the InGame ArrayList would only see the message "You are in the Game!" there are many more things you can do with this like Main.Done.add(online);
  3. Offline


    i will try this!
  4. Offline


    I would use multiverse, its a little hard depending on what your doing though.
  5. Offline


    maybe i will use multiverse but can i do the thing with the
    the chat with it?

    but can i split the chat like loop said?
  6. Offline


    If I'm correct there is a way I think I haven't used the plugin in a while.
  7. Offline


    do you know what it is because i want to have it set up kinda like how hypixel has it setup.

  8. Offline


    I think there is also a plugin that links servers or splits them up.
  9. Offline


    Its called BungeeCord, not familiar with it at all but thats the name that servers like hypixel uses
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