Compatibility with SDK's ModLoaderMp Server

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Sinek694, Apr 13, 2011.

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    I agree, I think this will attract many server admins so that they won't have to do so much modding. I remember it was horrifying trying to get Planes mod to work on my server. (shudder) Plus this will also allow for other SMP mods too.
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    Is there any informations for Bukkit compatibility with this mod? Or it's just a dream?
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    I would like ModLoaderMP for Bukkit too, for the IndustrialCraft mod. The author has clearly stated on the mod's wiki that he should not be bugged about Bukkit.

    (why is the forum slow on Epiphany?)
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    This is more than a dream !
    We wish, me and many other Bukkit server administrators make this mod compatible with our server.
    I'm looking for a administrators who would track the progress of this project.
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    Yes I agree. I did try to make my server Industrialcraft compatible but I went back to bukkit the same day because the server management is WAY better using the huge selection of plugins. That doesn't delete the fact that Indcraft gives fantastic new features. I'm dreaming of the day when indcraft and bukkit will walk together on the SMP path...
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    It's also promising. I don't believe the Bukkit version will be available immediately , though, but rather soon after the release.

    As long as we can have something like SDK's guns mod on Bukkit soon, I'll be happy.
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    Exactly, I'll be happy too.
    Being a developer, I just look at the SDK compatibility with the Bukkit and that really is not easy.
    By cons, with my tests, I got the following error in the launch of my server Bukkit :
    net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.main (Ljoptsimple / OptionSet;) V
    Has org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main.main ( 87)

    Is that another developer would have an idea with sources Bukkit corrected for this error ?
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