Filled Block Regeneration! NEEDED

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by PhoKing, Jan 15, 2014.

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    I am part of a up and coming server that will be huge.
    Part of the server will be a place where people can mine for ores in a cave we built. We want a plugin that allows the ore they mine to regenerate after a given amount of time (perhaps every 1 minute).
    Also there is a forest we built that people can cut wood in, and we want the wood & leaves to regenerate every minute.

    There is already a plugin JUST like what we need.

    The only problem is, this plugin has not been updated in AGES!

    So we're looking for somebody to make this for us.

    Please respond if you can help!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    PhoKing Did you tried regenblock already?
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    Yeah I said that in my post.

    And after I said "The plugin has not been updated in ages".

    So yeah, RegenBlock is EXACTLY what we need, but it's not updated and i'm pretty sure it's been abandoned. And there's NO other plugins out there like it that are updated (or have even been updated for a year).

    Are you interested in helping? We basically need somebody to re-make regenblock.. :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    PhoKing Looked at it isn't the same as putting it into a test server and try it.
    I have multiple plugins that won't break the next year ( unless they remove the player.sendMessage() )
    In other words: outdated doesn't mean broken
    PhoKing and L33m4n123 like this.
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    Surprisingly it works. But reading the comments on the page people are experiencing a few issues.
    Also apparently this plugin doesn't work with worldguard, so I will have to work around that too.

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    Mathias Eklund

    PhoKing If you really want it remade, i can make it for you, just message me if you want too.
    PhoKing likes this.
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    Thanks guys. Been testing the outdated plugin RegenBlock and still haven't ran into any problems.
    Changing thread to Filled. Thanks all!
    timtower likes this.

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