Custom crafting recipes

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by HeyAwesomePeople, Jan 22, 2014.

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  1. I know, I know. I can search google and find the answer to this question, but I am here to ask weather or not what I am trying to do is possible. Here's what I am trying to do:

    I want to make a crafting recipe so that when a player say places a wooden sword into a crafting table along with a paper(as shown below) it will add 10 durability to the sword, making it last longer.

    Is this possible? If so, how? Thanks
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  3. Wantsome909 How exactly? I'm experimenting with the CraftItemEvent right now but cannot figure it out.
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  5. sgavster Could use some help please :)
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    HeyAwesomePeople sorry bro, it's 1:31 AM I was going to bed so I thought lets try help this guy out very quickly, read over your story :p.
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    Use reflection to access the result field in your recipe. You can cast to ShapedRecipe or ShapelessRecipe (whose result field is actually "output" ) depending on the situation. Then you can set it to a particular itemstack.
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