Minigame Multiple Spawns

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Littledaddychop, Jan 11, 2014.

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    Hey guys! I am making a plugin and a part of it teleports players to different spawn points, counts down from 60, and releases them. I am stuck on the countdown part and the multiple spawn part. Could anyone help me?

    Could you help me?
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    For the random spawn points, you can put multiple locations into a List and use a random to pick a random index.

    For the countdown, you simply need to schedule a BukkitRunnable to run every 20 ticks (there are 20 ticks in a second). Have that runnable decrement an internal int and then send the player a message. It can then cancel itself when it hits 0.
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    Use a List of Location's to store your spawns in the arena object. Use a runnable to do the countdown, have a static list of string player names in your move listener. Remove them when the runnable finishes.
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    The list doesn't need to be static. It doesn't really matter, but you just pass a reference to it or the containing class when instantiating the runnable.
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    It actually would be simpler to do it that way, passing an instance is a great way to keep members of the API like JavaPlugin from being instantiated more than twice, and besides that, if you made a new instance of the listener, the list would still be there. Unless of course, you are turning it into a singleton, using a final instance field (bad design by the way-thread safety) would keep it from doing anything.
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