PermissionsEx Is giving random people access to all the groups.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Irantwomiles, Jan 6, 2014.


Any way I can fix this?

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  1. Offline


    Hey guys, I recently started my own server and like any other server it has issues at the beggining, but I recently got this issue after I reloaded my server. One of my donators got the rank of every group I have created in my permissions file. If anyone has any sort of help it would help me and help my players on my server. Please help, thanks!
    - CoOwner
    - Owner
    - Admin
    - Temp-Moderator
    - Moderator
    - VIP
    - Iron
    - Gold
    - Diamond
    - Elite
  2. Offline


    Please post your permissions.yml file on Pex does not put people in random groups 99.9% percent of problems are caused by user error.
  3. Offline


    What does it mean when it says create a RAW version of this paste?
  4. Offline


    Just copy your permissions.yml to pastebin hit submit and show me the link.
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    Okay that looks fine what do you mean by:
  7. Offline


    Will be watching this thread for a fix as well, just wondering if permissionEx isn't working with latest build. Keep up the great work and happy gaming.
  8. Offline


    Ok this is really hard to explain with words. Ill put an example
    users: <------------------------ user on permissionsex
    - CoOwner
    - Owner <-------
    - Admin <-------
    - Temp-Moderator <-------
    - Moderator <-------
    - VIP
    - Iron
    - Gold
    - Diamond
    - Elite
    Thats what I mean. The user had All of the Groups under his name. Even people who hadnt donated or been staff. I hope the example makes sense.
  9. Offline


    How are you adding people to new groups?
  10. Offline


    Irantwomiles On your pastebin link, user Irantwomiles is listed in the Owner group. Your Owner group has the permission '*'. That means it would be possible for any person in that group to use the Pex ranking commands to add themselves to the other groups.

    Was that user originally in the Owner group or did that happen with the error that you're describing? Also, have you checked your server logs to make sure that the player wasn't just adding the groups to himself manually?
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