Solved Retrieve color out of fireworkstar

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by UnrealPowerz, Jan 1, 2014.

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    Hi everyone,

    I can't seem to get the colors of a fireworkstar.

    2. // checks if item is fireworkstar
    3. FireworkEffect effect = ((FireworkEffectMeta) item.getItemMeta()).getEffect();
    4. String output;
    5. output = "Colors: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(colorsToString(effect.getColors());
    7. List<String> colorsToString(List<Color> bukkitColors){
    8. List<String> colors = new ArrayList<String>();
    9. for (Color currentColor : bukkitColors) {
    10. if (currentColor == Color.AQUA) colors.add("Aqua");
    11. else if (currentColor == Color.BLACK) colors.add("Black");
    12. else if (currentColor == Color.BLUE) colors.add("Blue");
    13. else if (currentColor == Color.FUCHSIA) colors.add("Fuchsia");
    14. else if (currentColor == Color.GRAY) colors.add("Gray");
    15. else if (currentColor == Color.GREEN) colors.add("Green");
    16. else if (currentColor == Color.LIME) colors.add("Lime");
    17. else if (currentColor == Color.MAROON) colors.add("Maroon");
    18. else if (currentColor == Color.NAVY) colors.add("Navy");
    19. else if (currentColor == Color.OLIVE) colors.add("Olive");
    20. else if (currentColor == Color.ORANGE) colors.add("Orange");
    21. else if (currentColor == Color.PURPLE) colors.add("Purple");
    22. else if (currentColor == Color.RED){ colors.add("Red"); Main.plugin.getLogger().info("red");}
    23. else if (currentColor == Color.SILVER) colors.add("Silver");
    24. else if (currentColor == Color.TEAL) colors.add("Teal");
    25. else if (currentColor == Color.WHITE) colors.add("White");
    26. else if (currentColor == Color.YELLOW) colors.add("Yellow");
    27. else if (currentColor == Color.fromRGB(0xB3312C)) {
    28. // this is the colorcode i get if i check colorcode of an actual red fireworkstar
    29. colors.add("Red"); Main.plugin.getLogger().info("rgb red");}
    30. else Main.plugin.getLogger().info("no match");
    31. }
    32. return colors;
    33. }

    I always get "no match", can anyone explain me how this is possible?
  2. Offline


    Try printing out the color every iteration and seeing what happens.
  3. try using equals instead, the bukkit firework colors is not an enum
    Garris0n likes this.
  4. Offline


    Ya, that worked, thanks.
    I don't understand why they don't just use the regular colors they use for all other things.
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