Custom zombie pathfinding

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by wouterrr, Nov 2, 2013.

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    Hey guys,

    I'm working on my custom entity and I want him to 'pathfind' him first to some glasswindows (which he may break) and then to the players? Is this possible and how?

    Thanks in advance :)
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    This is possible, but I warn you. This is not very simple to do. You need to know how reflection works,

    First you need to make a pathfindergoal that will "pathfind" the entity to the glasswindows. You can find more information about this in the resources section. (If you need a link, just tahg me).

    Secondly, you will need another pathfindergoal that will make the custom entity able to break certain blocks. (In this case, glass panes and glass.) You can also find information about this in the resources section. (Again, tahg me if you need the link)
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    TomTheDeveloper I am looking into something like this too, but the mobs will have to go to a certain spot on the map (the middle) and if they encounter a certain block they can break it instead of going around it. Can you please link the information in the resource section about this? Thanks.
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