Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by David's Crafts, Dec 27, 2013.

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    David's Crafts

    Hi there, Im having problems with my permissions file. Players can't seem to perform any commands from my plugins except for factions.

    Heres the link:


    David - BlockNation
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    If you add default: false to the other group, does that fix your problems?
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    Yeah like Kayota said you need to have default: false on all the other ones so pex will work.
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    David's Crafts

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    David's Crafts Your build: true/false lines (lines 72, 322, 336, 343, and 350) need to be formatted like the one you did on lines 269 & 270. You forgot the options: line on most of them and they'll need indented correctly after you add that.

    Line 320, you have the Moderator group inheriting from SuperMember, but you don't have a SuperMember group defined anywhere.

    Line 333, capitalize the M on moderator.

    Lines 341 & 348, capitalize the A on admin.
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    David's Crafts

    Is it possible you could send me a fixed version of my pex file, or send a version of my pex file indicating where I've gone wrong? Much appreciated
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    David's Crafts

    Thanks :)

    Hi there, Another thing people can't perform commands (including ops) except for factions and vanilla based commands. Any idea on what this could be?
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    Do all your plugins show up in green if you do /plugins?
    When the commands don't work, is there an error message with it or does nothing happen at all?
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    David's Crafts

    they do show green and all it says is 'Unknown commands, Please try /help'
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    David's Crafts

    What should I do?
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    David's Crafts I don't know. It sounds like a plugin problem, but with them all showing green, it's harder to pinpoint which ones are causing it. Do you get any errors on your startup log?

    I think someone else might be able to help you more than I can. :(
  13. Offline

    David's Crafts

    Will this help? It's my log file

    Here (Should work)

    Attached Files:

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