Keeping people from breaking blocks

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MadsPH, Apr 13, 2011.

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    I've seen so many approaches on this.. What would be optimal to achieve this effect?
    I just want the feel of breaking bedrock.. Keep punching without progress.. How would this be done?
    I feel like spamming setCanceled(true) on blockDamage, but I think that's going to have some side-effects I don't want.

    I'm not exerienced with this API.. I've been looking at it for 40 minuttes or so :p
  2. Offline


    The only way I have seen is setCanceled( true ) on BLOCK_BREAK events. Unfortunately the block still disappears temporarily client-side (it remains server-side).
  3. Offline


    What happens if I out setCancelled(true) on block_damage events?
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