
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by bodhistrontg, Dec 23, 2013.

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    So i was wondering how to like if the player left clicks air it will set item in hand to diamond sword then the sword will attack and then what ever item was in there had before the diamond sword reapers and the diamond sword disapears sorry if im being confusing thank you!
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    bodhistrontg You can get the player's item in hand, assign it to the variable, assign the player's item in hand to a diamond sword, then assign it back to the variable.
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    Okay :D but how would you make it so when they are holing the sword they attack with it.
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    LegoPal92 You could make the server think they attacked, but I don't think you could force the client to actually swing their weapon
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    I beg to differ.
            EntityPlayer p = ((CraftPlayer)player).getHandle();
            p.netServerHandler.sendPacket(p, new PacketPlayInArmAnimation(p, 1));
    Of course this requires NMS, and a bit of protocol knowledge, but a simple google search can accomplish this. It also requires CraftBukkit, but I'm sure that that is not a problem.

    EDIT: I guess I'll hand out a link to the protocol for it:
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    LegoPal92 Eh, I don't use NMS much, but if its possible, its possible. If the OP would like to use NMS, then the OP can use NMS
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