Solved Few SQLite Database problems

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Chlorek, Dec 7, 2013.

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    Hi, I've got following problem. I've got SQLite database with some columns and primary key set as 'player'. Queries works fine (I can create table), but I can't set any value in database and I can load only one value (weird, isn't it?). By saying "only one value" I mean when I call query to get first value it works, but every next returns always 0 (zero).

    I've got the following code:
    1. public static long getPlayerLongValueFromDatabase(String player, String key)
    2. {
    3. long res = getLongResult(Database.getInstance().query("SELECT `player`,`" + key + "` FROM `stats` WHERE `player`='" + player + "'"), 2);
    4. if(res == 0)
    5. {
    6. if(!key.equals("strength") && !key.equals("dexterity") && !key.equals("mana") && !key.equals("exp") && !key.equals("level") && !key.equals("learnpoints") && !key.equals("health"))
    7. {
    8. gothicCraft.getLogger().severe("Requested invalid player value type \""+ key +"\" <DatabaseHelper::getPlayerLongValueFromDatabase()>");
    9. return res;
    10. }
    12. setPlayerLongValueInDatabase(player, key, res);
    13. }
    15. return res;
    16. }

    1. public static void setPlayerLongValueInDatabase(String player, String key, long value)
    2. {
    3. Database.getInstance().query("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO `stats`(`player`,`" + key + "`) VALUES('" + player + "', '" + value + "')");
    4. Database.getInstance().query("UPDATE `stats` SET `" + key + "`='" + value + "' WHERE `player`='" + value + "'");
    5. }

    I get no errors. I used these queries in few projects and it always worked. The only thing that changed this time is that I added caching data, so now I call saving to database this way:
    1. public static void savePlayerDataToDatabase(String player)
    2. {
    3. PlayerData tmp = null;
    4. for(int i = 0; i < cachedData.size(); i++)
    5. {
    6. tmp = cachedData.get(i);
    7. if(tmp.getPlayerName().equals(player))
    8. {
    9. DatabaseHelper.setPlayerLongValueInDatabase(player, "strength", tmp.getStrength());
    10. DatabaseHelper.setPlayerLongValueInDatabase(player, "dexterity", tmp.getDexterity());
    11. DatabaseHelper.setPlayerLongValueInDatabase(player, "mana", tmp.getMana());
    12. DatabaseHelper.setPlayerLongValueInDatabase(player, "exp", tmp.getExperience());
    13. DatabaseHelper.setPlayerLongValueInDatabase(player, "level", tmp.getLevel());
    14. DatabaseHelper.setPlayerLongValueInDatabase(player, "health", tmp.getHealth());
    15. DatabaseHelper.setPlayerLongValueInDatabase(player, "learnpoints", tmp.getLearnPoints());
    16. DatabaseHelper.setPlayerStringValueInDatabase(player, "extraskills", tmp.getExtraSkills());
    18. return;
    19. }
    20. }
    22. gothicCraft.getLogger().severe("Could not save data for player \""+ player + "\"!");
    23. }

    I made check and I am sure that data is cached correctly. All values are in cache, they just are not saved in database.

    Thanks for your effort in reading this. I hope you can help.

    Anyone? Please, it's really important :oops: And I can't figure out what is the problem. I spent today over 6 hours trying to fix that!

    Come on, please. Need help with that!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2016
  2. Offline


    I recommend to change your save queries to a single one, and to use a PreparedStatement:

    1. // put this where you connect to the database
    2. //replace "..." with all fields, and make sure to use the correct amount of '?'s, or alternatively use the "`field`=?" syntax
    3. PreparedStatement s = Database.getInstance().prepare("REPLACE INTO `stats` (`player`, `strength`, `dexterity`, ...) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");

    1. // and use this in savePlayerDataToDatabase():
    2. int i = 1;
    3. s.setString(i++, player);
    4. s.setLong(i++, tmp.getStrength(),);
    5. s.setLong(i++, tmp.getDexterity(),);
    6. // etc.
    8. s.execute();

    edit: This is how I read values from my database, using a PreparedStatement and a ResultSet:
    1. monitorQuery = ((Database) db).prepare("SELECT name, type, value, rowid FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE rowid > ? AND update_guid != ?");
    3. // ...
    5. monitorQuery.setLong(1, lastRowID);
    6. monitorQuery.setString(2, guid);
    7. monitorQuery.execute();
    8. ResultSet r = null;
    9. try {
    10. r = monitorQuery.getResultSet();
    11. loadVariables(r);
    12. } finally {
    13. if (r != null)
    14. r.close();
    15. }
    17. // ...
    19. private void loadVariables(final ResultSet r) throws SQLException {
    20. synchronized (syncDeserializing) {
    21. while ( { // iterates over all returned rows
    22. int i = 1;
    23. final String name = r.getString(i++);
    24. final String type = r.getString(i++);
    25. final Blob value = r.getBlob(i++);
    26. // etc.
    Chlorek likes this.
  3. Offline


    Thank You very much. Also I was thinking about PreparedStatement's. Thanks for nice code. I hope it will fix my problem. I'll check it and tell if it works.

    I've got problem with prepare() method. What should I call it for? I mean what is the class? I use my custom one Database Class and I have not the following method there.
  4. Offline


    You likely need to use "connection.prepareStatement(query)". prepare() is a method of SQLibrary which I use in my plugin.
    Chlorek likes this.
  5. Offline


    Help me, still does not work. I don't understand it, why? Value reading works, not just saving (reading is still query, not a prepared statement).

    Why the hell on the earth I can't set value in database and other queries work fine. Well I can set value but ONCE. Every next setting value does not work ;/

    I just found that when using PreparedStatement I get error that tells SQL statement does not return ResultSet. How is it connected with my problem?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2016
  6. Offline


    You must use .executeQuery() , it returns ResultSet

    2. PreparedStatement stmt = yourConnection.prepareStatement("UPDATE `stats` SET ?=? WHERE `player`=?");
    3. stmt.setString(1,key);
    4. stmt.setString(2,value);
    5. stmt.setString(3,player);
    6. stmt.executeUpdate();}
    Something like this?
    Chlorek likes this.
  7. Offline


    14:51:29 [SEVERE] java.sql.SQLException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "?": syntax error)
    That's what I get.
  8. Offline


    put System.out.println(stmt.toString()); after executeUpdate and paste it here.
  9. Offline


    It throws exception on prepareStatement() method. I can't get it to string then...

    It works, I changed statement to:
    "UPDATE `stats` SET `"+key+"`=? WHERE `player`=?"
    And changed setString() etc. to match new format.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2016
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