Solved Need help sending commands from website to server console!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SpongyBacon, Nov 29, 2013.

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    Hey guys,
    So, I just want to be pointed in the right direction on how to make it so that when I press a button on my website, it will then send a command to the console.
    For example, if I made a button called 'Diamond',
    <div class="button" href="#">Diamond</div>
    It would then send 'give someplayer diamond 1' to the server console, which would then output on the server.

    Here's what I think I could do:
    - Button clicked
    - Website logs info on SQL database
    - Server queries every 5 secounds, and finds the new entry
    - Server performs command

    Does anyone here know an easier way?

  2. Offline


    JSONAPI is a great tool, if you're using PHP. There is a Ruby version available, somewhere... But JSONAPI is the way forward for things like this.
    SpongyBacon likes this.
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    Thanks Harry! Always wondered what that JSONAPI plugin was that I had to install all the time...
  4. Offline


    Why did you have to install it all the time? If you didn't know what it was, you probably shouldn't have been using it ;)
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    Various plugins I used to use on one of my old servers :D
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