Age Of Empires like Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Jorn818, Nov 16, 2013.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: Age Of Minecraft

    What I want: Is a plugin that wil be like the game age of empires, you will have a schematic
    folder where you can put in your schematics, for example if you want a schematic to be a blacksmith you would call it the blacksmith.schematic. you will gave a chest gui where you can choose which building you want to place then indicated with red wool there wil be a square where the house will spawn. when you hit for example a block that belongs to the barracks. you get a gui with soldiers you can recruit the soldiers can be done with citizens. If you want to mobilize your troops you can do the following command: /mobilize [range] for example /mobilize 10 wil let you select every soldier in a range of 10 square blocks. then you can fly to the place you want them to be and left click that spot.
    Ideas for commands: /aom reload: let you reload the plugin
    /mobilize [range] the range of troop selection
    /aom attack: will attack other players troops in a range of 80 blocks
    /trade [playername] opens a gui where you can trade stuff.
    Ideas for permissions: None

    When I'd like it by: Yesterday.
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