Achievement GUI

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by The Gaming Grunts, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. Hey everyone! First I'd like to throw a small disclaimer out there: Please nobody say "Go and make this yourself". Yes, I most likely could make this myself. However, I have to do college apps right now and don't have the time to take something like this on in a reasonable time frame. With that said, let's get to the request:

    Name: Doesn't matter :p

    What I Want: Basically a player has an item in their inventory that they can right click to open the "Achievement GUI". In this GUI there are going to be items representing various achievements that the player can earn, such as "Mine 100 dirt blocks". The lore of each item will display the player's progress to completing the achievement. Once the achievement is completed, the player will get some kind of reward

    Commands: No necessary ones. Feel free to add in any if you wish :)

    When I'd Like It By: Preferably as soon as possible, but don't rush. However, I'd really like to have it before the Alpha release of my server in about 1- 1.5 weeks :)
  2. Offline


    What achievements do you want?
  3. br456
    I haven't completely decided yet, but would you be willing to do this?
  4. Offline

    Mathias Eklund

    this sounds like a fun idea, i could be making this for you, but sadly i am a bit busy with 2 very big projects. But as soon as that is finished, i will start on this. Even if someone else already has, cause i have great ideas for it :)
  5. Offline


    I was honestly just think about Achievments. I have 1 question, how would a person go about saving each individual persons stats without MySQL?
  6. Offline


    Oh I see, I need to study up some more on YAML files then.. Lol. Thanks!
  7. Offline


  8. Offline

    Mathias Eklund

    When i come to create this plugin, it will be already made achievements for survival gameplay. Might make it so people can create achievements themselves. But not decided yet.
  9. Offline


    I will try to make this plugin. I will tell you if I succeed.

    The Gaming Grunts
    What would you like the achievement messages to look like?
  10. Offline


  11. Pshhh... no of course not

    Mathias Eklund br456
    I'll pm you guys with the achievements that I came up with.
    Pik0 likes this.
  12. Offline


    this sounds like a B**ching plugin, i hope this gets made! of course you guys are gonna use Chest Gui
  13. Offline


    I recently started on a prototype and I've got achievements all figured out! I think I'm going to try my hand at making a plugin like this. The Gaming Grunts
  14. Offline


    when can we expect a build of it? : D
    Verringer likes this.
  15. Offline


    The Gaming Grunts xH3LLRAIZ3Rx Not sure when you can as I still have to add customization for the achievements. I'm not sure how I can do this but I might release a build that just has set achievements for now. I'm also going to be adding a feature of a shop so when players complete achievements they get a configurable ammount of tokens to purchase items, or whatever you want them to be able to get. Or you can disable the shop part completely
  16. Offline


  17. Offline


    Just curious if this is still in the works?
  18. Commander9292 You could make a yaml config like:
        type: BREAK_BLOCK
        block: COAL_ORE
        name: "&4Coal Miner"
          1: "&cMine 10 coal ores"
          2: "&cto get this achievement."
        type: "Diamond Miner!"
        block: DIAMOND_ORE
        name: "&4Diamond Miner"
          1: "&cMine 5 diamond ores"
          2: "&cto get this achievement."
    and so on.
    You can get all the achievements with something like this:
    1. Set<String> allAchievements = config.getConfigurationSection("custom-achievements").getKeys(false);
    2. for (achievement : allAchievements){
    3. String type = config.getString("custom-achievements." + achievement + ".type");
    4. ItemStack block = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(config.getString("custom-achievements." + achievement + ".block");
    5. String name = config.getString("custom-achievements." + achievement + ".name");
    6. ItemMeta blockMeta = block.getItemMeta();
    7. List<String> blockLore;
    8. Set<String> lores = config.getConfigurationSection("custom-achievements." + achievement + ".lores").getKeys(false);
    9. for (lore : lores){
    10. String loreText = config.getString("custom-achievements." + achievement + ".lores." + lore);
    11. blockLore.add(loreText);
    12. }
    13. blockMeta.setDisplayName(name);
    14. blockMeta.setLore(blockLore);
    15. block.setItemMeta(blockMeta);
    16. // Add other things you would need, adding the items to the GUI etc..
    17. }

    This should work, I did not test it.

    Hope I could help you.
    @The Gaming Grunts I might do it if noone else does. I have too a big project I'm working on, but well it will take longer then normal, but I know how to do that.
  19. Offline


    Lionhard thanks for this I've gotten a lot better with Bukkit since asking, but may I ask why you're reviving a 2-3 month old thread?
  20. Commander9292 woops, sorry, didn't know that. It is not filled and the guy before me posted this yesterday, so I didn't watch how old the other posts are. But anyways, was this actually finished? :eek:
  21. Offline


    Lionhard ohh ok, yes I did finish it but sadly I no longer have it and never released it. Feel free to make it!

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