Essentials Group Manager issue

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Countrygal0415, Nov 7, 2013.


Which permissions plugin do you like best?

Poll closed Nov 14, 2013.
  1. PermissionsEx

  2. GroupManager

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    I just started working on getting my servers permissions set up and ready to go for launch, but I am having the strangest problem with GroupManager that I have never experienced before. Every time I do a server restart or do a /reload of my server, the groups get "updated." By that I mean all the permissions are still there, but the people in the groups get reset back to the default group, myself included. I have checked my groups.yml file in a YAML parser and nothing comes up as wrong, so I have no idea what the issue could be. Any insight would be great
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    1. Don't EVER reload your server. /reload is a command that can break many (many) things.
    2. If you are using GroupManager use the command, /manload.
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    Good to know, but that still does not answer my question as to why the group reset happens when I do a restart of the server. I get why it could happen with a /reload, but I have never had this issue before, let alone on just a srrver restart.
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    When you do /manuadd and add someone to a group then /mansave, does it modify the users.yml? If not, can you paste startup log?
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    I got it figured out. It was something going on with my .jar file of bukkit I guess that was forcing it to crash. The lovely people over at McProhosting helped me figure that out. Thanks a bunch :)
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