Optional arguments

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Ad237, Oct 29, 2013.

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    Does anyone know a good system for optional arguments. By this I mean something similar to this

    /additem [id] [amount] [name] [durability] [enchantment]

    Players could skip an argument if they want though. Like if they didn't want to write the durability then it would just default to max.

    So I could write

    /additem id:276 durability:54

    and it would give me a diamond sword with 54 durability. The others would just default.

    To achieve this I had a few ideas but they all ended up with messy code and bugs. Sorry if i'm asking to much here but thanks for your help anyway.
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    This is really neat, too bad I know nearly nothing about code :( Well hopefully you get helped! I'm struggling too aha.
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    Don't worry I found a solution.
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    Ad237 Yes, switch the args.length and add arguments:
    1. switch (args.length()) {
    2. case: 1:
    3. //code for 1 argument
    4. break;
    5. case: 2:
    6. //code for 2 arguments
    7. break;
    8. //etc
    9. }
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