Get nearby entities

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Mother__, Oct 14, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    I know that you can get nearby entities from an explosion, but is there a way to do the same thing, given a location? Thanks!

    Like this

    world.getNearbyEntities(x, y, z);
  2. Offline


    You could get a location and do .getChunk().getEntities() which will return an array of Entities
  3. Offline


    Spawn an invisible bat at the location and check the entities. Then remove the bat.
  4. ^^That's not the best solution.
    Here is a method i'm using that returns an arraylist of entites:
    1. public static Entity[] getNearbyEntities(Location l, int radius){
    2. int chunkRadius = radius < 16 ? 1 : (radius - (radius % 16))/16;
    3. HashSet<Entity> radiusEntities = new HashSet<Entity>();
    4. for (int chX = 0 -chunkRadius; chX <= chunkRadius; chX ++){
    5. for (int chZ = 0 -chunkRadius; chZ <= chunkRadius; chZ++){
    6. int x=(int) l.getX(),y=(int) l.getY(),z=(int) l.getZ();
    7. for (Entity e : new Location(l.getWorld(),x+(chX*16),y,z+(chZ*16)).getChunk().getEntities()){
    8. if (e.getLocation().distance(l) <= radius && e.getLocation().getBlock() != l.getBlock()) radiusEntities.add(e);
    9. }
    10. }
    11. }
    12. return radiusEntities.toArray(new Entity[radiusEntities.size()]);
    13. }
  5. Offline


    you could just itorate through the servers entitys and check "location.distance(entlocation) < distance"
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