Solved Detect Door Opening

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by sunnydan, Sep 30, 2013.

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    I'm writing a plugin that adds a lot of new mechanics to NPC villages, and I'd like to be able to detect whenever an NPC villager goes through a door. How would I accomplish this?
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    Hm...this is an interesting question. Perhaps try experimenting with EntityInteractEvent:

    Perhaps listen for this and then see if it is a villager. If it is, then we carry on, assuming that the interact event was with the door.

    Anyway, just my two-cents. I'm nowhere near a good Bukkit programmer, but Bukkit javadocs is a good place to go when you're wondering about events.
  3. Offline


    bigbeno37 I don't know. But entityInteract is if a player right click an entity
  4. Offline


    Blockphysicsevent is your event
  5. Offline


    How would you go about using this?
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    Mathias Eklund

  7. Offline


    Ooh, okay, so you could make an if statement and if the block changed is a door...but how do you know it was a villager then?
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    Edit: And from there, you can check the current data in comparison with an open/closed door's data, might want to also check for what direction it is facing as well.

    Could it be this, not sure as I've not tested it.
    public void onInteract(EntityInteractEvent event) {
            if (
    event.getEntity().getType() == EntityType.VILLAGER) {
    Villager villager = (Villagerevent.getEntity();
                if (
    villager.getTargetBlock(null50).getType() == Material.WOODEN_DOOR) {
    // he interacted with a wooden door
  9. Offline


    Wouldn't that only occur if a player opened a door?
  10. Offline


    Why not do this:
    Create arraylist
    When villager entity spawns add it to arraylist
    When entity moves/door opens
    Loop through the arraylist and get the location of the entity
    If the locations block is a door do your code

    Dont know if this will work but its an idea
  11. Offline


    Oh shit, that was a big typo lol.
  12. Offline


    I ended up solving it a different way. I created a BukkitRunnable that runs every other tick, and checks all villagers to see if their location is also that of a door. If true, call a custom event.
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