Yet Another Portal Gun Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by smackman17, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin name: Portal Gun

    What it does: adds portal gun from portal to minecraft, but it works differently then the other ones. it basically have all the same stuff, but the portal material is a 2 block tall area of 2 "falling" blocks of the colors in a config file. left click for "blue" portal and right click for "orange: portal (again; colors configurable)

    /pg get (portalgun.get) - get the portal gun
    /pg reload (portalgun.reload) - reload the plugin

    Gun-Name: Name of the Gun

    Gun-lore: lore for the gun
    (NOTE: 1st 2 options are so theres no item conflicts with the item ID you pick below)

    Gun-Material: material if gun

    Left-Click-Color: color of left click

    Right-Click-Color: color of right click

    When I would like this by: whenever it can be made
  2. Offline


    Why make another plugin of something thats already made, Submit a ticket to one of the many plugin devs and ask for the features.

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