Limit Zombie pathfinding range OR check whether target is reachable?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by xNaXDy, Sep 15, 2013.

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    Well, the title pretty much says it all.

    What I'm looking for is a method to either find out whether a target (entity/location) of a zombie is reachable (like if the zombie can actually reach that location) or limit the zombie pathfinding range as such.

    The reason why I need to know that is explained here:

    I am trying to create a server with lots of zombies and this bug isn't really helping me with that.

    Thank you!
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    The question is: Where exactly "is" that class? I can not find a suitable get-method inside the zombie class.
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    It's NMS code; things you are told to never touch unless you want to go above and beyond Bukkit.
    You'll have to use Reflection to get a foothold onto this, and then even more reflection to set these fields. Worst comes to worse, you might have to create your own PathfinderGoal and add that in manually.
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    I see... Thank you for telling me that, I'll try to get my hands dirty now :p
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