Nations Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by georgiadawg27, Sep 14, 2013.

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    Hello, my name is Georgiadawg27 and I have owned many servers before including 3 prison servers, 2 roleplay, and 1 tekkit. Since my first server I met a guy name j-triggs. He has made many custom plugins for me and some have been available to bukkit. Hes been busy lately and I am thinking of starting another server on top on the prison server I own now. I wanted my server idea to be for the most part original or not very many types of this server. So, I was thinking of making a nations server, where nations are made up of towns. I tested out towny and found out it is complicated and confusing. This is an outline of the plugin:

    - Made of Cities
    - Government Positions:
    /President (Voted on by all members of nation)- approves laws, head of nation
    /Congressman (2 per City, voted in each City)- Suggests bills and votes on them
    /Senators (2 per City, voted in each City)- same as congressman
    - Commands:
    /nation create - creates nation
    /nation vote [playername] - votes for president
    /nation law-suggest [law] - sends suggestion to all congressman and senate to vote on
    /nation law-vote [law] [yes/no] - votes yes or no for law
    /president law [yes/no] - president votes yes/no for law to become active
    /nation laws - lists active laws in the nation
    /president war [nation] - declares war on a nation
    /president peace [nation]
    /president peace-accept
    /president peace-deny
    /president invite [city] - invites a city to the nation
    /president city [yes/no] - accepts a city into the nation
    - How it works: First president is nation creator. president stays in office for 30 days, then whole nation votes. person with most votes is president for next 30 days. There's the congressman and the senators. There are 2 per city and are voted by players in there city. They suggest laws, and vote on them. If the law is voted yes, the law moves to president where he/she can approve or deny it. If approved it is posted under /nation laws. Nations are made up of states. Nations can declare war on each other. When not in a war all towns are protected by foreigners, but during war all protections are released so towns can be destroyed. Presidents can ask for peace with other nations and other presidents can accept or deny. If a city's "key" has been taken by an opponent during war then the nation with the key takes the city. If all city's keys are taken then the nation is disbanded and all land goes to prevailing nation. The key is some block hidden in the city.

    - Government Positions:
    /Mayor - head of city, makes laws in city.
    /Congressman - 2 voted for by members of city
    /Senator - 2 voted for by members of city
    - Commands:
    /city create [name] - creates city
    /city vote congressman [playername] - votes for specified player
    /city vote senator [playername] - votes for specified player
    /mayor law create [law] - creates a law and posts it in /city laws
    /city vote mayor [playername] - votes for specified player
    /mayor join nation [nation] - asks to join specified nation
    /mayor nation [yes/no] - accepts or denies invite to nation
    - How it works: First mayor is person who creates city. Mayor holds office for 30 days.

    Please make this plugin and suggestions for it. This isn't an exact guideline but something in those lines! thank you!
  2. 3 prison servers, 2 roleplay, and 1 tekkit

    You owned that many servers, and you can't figure out how to use towny? Making a prison server is harder than finding out how to use towny. Most kids that play on towny servers know how to use towny. What is complicated about it?
    timtower likes this.
  3. georgiadawg27
    Just saying, I honestly don't think people would want to do this. Something like this would require an enormous amount of work to complete. I am currently working on a factions & towny style plugin with someone and I can tell you it's a lot of work. We've been at it for a few weeks and are just getting into the guts of it. For one person to do this, they'd literally have to dedicate a significant amount of their time and I don't think people would be willing to do that :( Not saying that there isn't anyone out there who will do this, but I just think it's unlikely.

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