SMP_Hardcore V3, Need Suggestions

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by XDemonic25, Jan 25, 2013.

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    Hello Bukkit Community. I'm reviving my old plugin "Smp_Hardcore" And would like some suggestions on how to improve it.

    I'm re-coding the entire thing so its all from scratch.
    I'm planning on adding all the features SMP_Hardcore had. Below was the features:

    If anyone has suggestion I would Love to hear them. Here are some things I want to change that I need suggestions on.

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    If ghost sleeps in a bed placed by them they revive? Maybe that only works after some time has passed or something? Idk :3
  3. Offline


    hmm idk.. but I like what your doing. I do need something useful from beds.
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    While laying in bed you can see ghosts? hahahaha that would be so cool/creepy

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    maybe ghosts have to be in a bed to teleport? and what they teleport to is another players bed...
  6. Offline


    May need a little more use for beds than that. But that is very creative.

    I was thinking on just putting a cooldown on Ghost teleporting. Because they may not have any beds in the server. I need somthing useful for Beds for "LIVE" Players for particular.


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
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    Looking forward to the new version of this plugin if you're still doing it that is. This is the best plugin for spectating in my opinion and the old version still works in 1.5, I haven't checked 1.6.
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