Help with an error!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by DaddyDBJ21, Sep 9, 2013.

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    Hello everybody,
    I'm getting an error when trying to compile my plugin. I'm a newbie, so it's probably something ridiculous, but can somebody please point me in the right direction? Thanks!

    Here's the error:
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    DaddyDBJ21 Did you make sure in your plugin.yml you have the correct main file path? Seems like you only put the package name.
  3. Offline


    Say what? Could you give me an example?
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    DaddyDBJ21 For example: my package name is me.mineocraftmc.testplugin and main class file is called main. So in my plugin.yml I would put:
    main: me.mineocraftmc.testplugin.main
    That will tell bukkit to load the file.
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    OH xD thank you. It works now.
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    Your welcome.
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