EntityCombustByEntityEvent & EntityCombustByBlockEvent not firing

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by dark navi, Aug 26, 2013.

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    dark navi

    Hey guys, I set up two simple listeners, and they don't seem to be firing at all. Any ideas?

    1. @EventHandler (priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
    2. public void onEntityIgniteFromEntity(EntityCombustByEntityEvent event)
    3. {
    4. Hungercraft.Log("Fire - Entity");
    5. }
    7. @EventHandler (priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
    8. public void onEntityIgniteFromBlock(EntityCombustByBlockEvent event)
    9. {
    10. Hungercraft.Log("Fire - Block");
    11. }
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    did you call PluginManager.registerEvents?
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    dark navi

    Yes sir, I've placed that code in multiple registered listeners with no success.
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    well, the events definitely work, so there are only a few possible explanations:
    #1) You're not using craftbukkit, but something like MCPC++ or some other server which doesn't fully implement the bukkit api.
    #2) The events ARE being called, but your code isn't doing what you expect it to do.
    #3) You aren't actually registering the event listeners. (not to say you're lying, but maybe the error is in that part of the code, which you haven't shown us)
    #4) You're not burning any entities.

    EDIT: and #5) another plugin is cancelling the events before you see them.
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