Ammunition & Length

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by XKnucklesX, Aug 23, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Hello Everyone I am a developer of a plugin. I am having requests of letting the bullets from the guns be able to be changed. I am having trouble thinking of a way to make this work.

    Here is the piece of code that tells the gun the ammo.:
    1. private void Gun1(Player p) {
    2. Snowball sb = (Snowball) p.getWorld().spawn(p.getEyeLocation(), Snowball.class);
    3. sb.setShooter(((LivingEntity) p));
    4. sb.setVelocity(p.getLocation().getDirection().multiply(1.0));
    5. }

    This makes the ammo snowball. How do I make it any entity they want. Also the number 1.0 I need that to be able to be changed. Not sure how to.

    Any ideas?
  2. XKnucklesX
    Your questions make no sense.

    For launching projectiles, use
    unless you want to modify the velocity, if so, use your current code, but change the double value to whatever is appropriate. This brings me to one of your problems; "I need that to be able to be changed".. as in? Just increase/decrease the value.

    If you want the velocity to be defined within calling the method, then add a parameter to the constructor.
    private void Gun1(Player p, double vel)
    Now replace '1.0' with 'vel'.

    If you want to get the velocity from config, then use its getDouble() method.
    double vel = getConfig().getDouble("");
    For the ammo, before shooting, check if the player inventory contains at least 1 of the ammo material, and upon shooting, remove 1 ammo from the inventory. You can use the methods I showed above, if you want to somehow define the ammo required, but instead of double, use Material or String, depending on the situation.
  3. Offline


    No I mean changed from the config Assist sorry for not making it clear.
  4. XKnucklesX
    Could you elaborate your other questions too? It'd be much easier to help, if I knew what you need help with.
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