Zooming in

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CraftingRealm, Aug 17, 2013.

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    I know the Bukkit API doesn't have anything to toggle client zooming but I was wondering if it's possible to set like the players view position so to the player, it would appear like they were standing in that position and looking but they're not. Anyone know how this can be done?
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    CraftingRealm Set their Speed to a low value. Low Speed = Zoomed Minecraft.
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    a game from
    play.shotbow.net (domberman like)
    use what you need but i dont nkow how you do it
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    they most likely use the speed potion effect.
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    I gave the player a -.15 speed effect and that worked to zoom. I don't really like how the player can't move while doing this but I guess it will have to do
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    No they don't you can get out your character and controle it from above (by left and right klicking)
    watch @1:57
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