Filled Showing subgroup prefix (or name of it)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Mr_H4mm3r, Aug 18, 2013.

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    I own a Prison server and would like to both display [Owner] and [C] but I can't do it with EssentialsChat nor GroupManager

    Plugin category: Chat

    Suggested name: SubgroupPrefix (Whatever..)

    What I want: I would like to be able to display both subgroup and main groups prefix:
    [WorldName] [Owner] [#C] Mr_H4mm3r: [CHAT]

    I would like to have a message.yml to change nearly everything :)!

    Ideas for commands: A reload command if you add a config.

    Ideas for permissions: subgroup.(nameOfTheSubgroup) will add the subgroups prefix to the chat. If they don't have the perm it won't show up

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible, thanks!

  2. Offline


    You can do this with EssentialsChat and Groupmanager...
  3. Offline


    No. It's not possible :)
  4. Offline


    It is possible...
  5. Offline


    Then show it :)! One of the devs from Essentials stated that it isn't possible to do with Essentials (and GM) and that they wouldn't implement it.

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  7. Offline


    I do know its possible but can u please put the config line on hear or commands because i really need it too
  8. This is a necro post.
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    Okay with GM do this: /mangaddv RANK_NAME prefix [Example Prefix]

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