PermissionsEx prefixes will not show up in ChatManager

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Phantom218, Aug 14, 2013.

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    PermissionsEx prefixes will not show up in ChatManager, and I know for a fact it is not essentials chat messing it up because I completely removed the essentialschat.jar from my plugins folder. Here is the link to my permissions.yml for PermissionsEx . Here is the link to the pastebin of my ChatManager config file . I hope someone can identify the problem because I would really like to use my prefixes.
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    Which other plugins do you have? And when you type /plugins, does ChatManager show up in green writing?
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    You don't need ChatManager for permissionsEx prefixes to show. Also if you want colored chat just use the main essentials config to set it up in the chat-format section.
  4. Offline


    You definitely need a chat altering plugin for prefixes to show up and as he doesn't have use EssentialsChat the chat-format section of Essentials' config.yml has no effect
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    Yes but that's how I run it, and it runs fine on my server. I disable ChatManager and use EssentialsChat for my chat it runs exactly the same =)
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    Krotos Gaming

    You need to add in users. This comes after all the groups.
    users: (no spaces)
    {username}(2 spaces) this would be the actual username
    group: (4 spaces)
    - Owner or whatever group you want it to be make sure it matches exactly with the group(4 spaces)
    Also, just a recommendation, I would give the Owner the perm instead of the other ones - '*' it gives him every perm with only that one easy line.
  7. Offline


    Try my config out:

    enable: true
    display-name-format: '%prefix%player%suffix'
    message-format: '%prefix&7%player: &f%message'
    global-message-format: <%prefix%player%suffix> &e%message
    ranged-mode: false
    chat-range: 100.0
  8. Offline


    Except for the display-name-format it's exactly the same as he has already
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    Thanks to everyone for all of your help but right after I posted this I deleted ChatManager and re-installed Essentials Chat and that immediately solved all of my problems.
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