Viewing another players screen

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by NoLiver92, Aug 10, 2013.

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    Is there a way in bukkit or craftbukkit where i can show all players one players screen?

    i know it was done in nodus but that was a client.

    can anyone help with this?
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    Changing visuals in any way requires a modification of the client. The Bukkit API adds nothing here; the effect in question could be achieved on a vanilla server using a modded client.
  3. Offline


    how is it done to get the thrid person view from above the player (i know its possible ive seen it)

    ok so away to get around this would be to use npc's as the players(they are stood still while the turns are in progress) and let the players freely spectate until its their turn.

    is there anyway of translating damage to the npc to the player?
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    Just sync everything with the other player! Inventory, position etc! Thats quite easy!
  6. Offline


    im ok with the spectating but the player also needs to be where they were
  7. Offline


    Packet manipulation. The modded client displays the world from the perspective of the player being spectated, but sends the server the spectator's actual location.

    Indeed. I wrote a plugin a while back that does just that. You'll need to implement a custom NPC the way Citizens does. Then it's just a matter of mapping the NPC to its corresponding spectating player. And decrementing the latter's health when the former is damaged.
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