moarrows error

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by gollumking, Aug 4, 2013.

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    Before you click create...
    1. Please give a brief summary of the installation instructions so that I know you've at least read them..
    drag mo-arrows.jar into folder after deleating anything to do with a old plugin if upgrading
    run server
    edit config file
    use a permissions plugin to give people perms to use it, (im not using the arrows, only the armor effects)
    install worldedit/worldguard (i do not use these)
    restart/reload server to use the changes.
    2. Are you using the latest version of MoArrows? What version are you using? (if unsure, please check the download page)
    - If not, exit this page, download the new version, and try to reproduce the problem with the latest build.
    newest version 2.4.2
    3. Are you experiencing this issue after upgrading from a previous version of MoArrows?
    - If so, exit this page, rename the MoArrows config file and restart your server to generate a current config file.
    4. Are you using a permissions plugin? If so, which one and what version?
    - If not, exit this page, download one of the recommended permissions plugins, set it up, and try again.
    bpermissions newest version
    5. Are you testing this plugin as an OP? If so, are you having issues with materials required?
    - If you answered yes to both, de-op yourself and test again before creating this ticket.
    nope consul errors
    6. Are you using any region control plugins (Towny, Factions, WorldGuard, etc.)? If so, which ones and what versions?
    factions, version 2.0.4
    7. Describe IN DETAIL the problem that you are having. (Tickets saying "it dunt werk" or "arrow wunt fyre" will be deleted.)
    8. Can you easily recreate the problem? If so, describe IN DETAIL the steps I can take to make this problem happen on my test server.
    yes i log in and it goes nutty, i cant even view the logs easily it is so wacked up
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    I think this is in the wrong forum.
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    idk were t should go
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    Locked, thread was created in Bukkit Help.
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