SimpleRegionMarket not rolling back Rents.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by brannflakes101, Aug 1, 2013.

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    My SimpleRegionMarket not rolling back Rents, or letting players expand there rent 4 times. (As I has set.)

    Anyone know how this issue could be happening? Here is my current config:

    # Version 3.3.5
    # by technisat and inik0
    Enable_Economy: true
    Logging: true
    Statistics_Enabled: true
    # Possible languages: en, ge, fr, pl
    Language: en
    Statistics_Limit_Mode: false
    #use statistics (rented, selled region conunt; per player info...)
    Statistics_Enabled: true
    # Remove region from market list when bought...
    Auto_Removing_Regions: sell,bid
    # Can players extend rent region
    Can_Extend: true
    # Here can be value in two formats, time (5d - 5 days) or amount (4 - 4 times)
    Max_Rent_Extend: -4
    Show_Auto_Expand_Message: true
    # Show to player warning message when his region will expire, in minutes (0 - disabled)
    Show_Warning_Rent_Expire: 30
    # Remove LWC protections when region expire, example: rent,let
    Remove_LWC_On_Expire: none
    # Rollback bolocks when region expire (and save when region went buy), example: rent,let
    Rollback_On_Expire: rent,let
    # If player line is empty... true: use sign creator name, false: use Default_Economy_Account
    Player_Line_Empty: true
    # Economy account to send moneys if line 'player' will be empty
    Default_Economy_Account: 'brannflakes101'
    # Teleport: Player will teleport to his buyed Region
    Teleport_To_Region: false
    # Where do you want teleport, possible: minCorner, centerHighest, centerByLight
    Teleport_Where: centerHighest
    # True: find region with highest priority, False: use first region
    Hight_Priority_Region: true
    # Try to find region with that name in other worlds.
    Use_Other_World_Regions: false
    # Protect plugin from fast clicking (in miliseconds)
    Clicking_Limit: 1200
    Let_Statistics_Template: '&playerFrom& >> &playerTo&: &price&/&time&'
    Regions_List_Template: '&region& (&tokenType&): &price&&time&'
    Entries_Per_List_Page: 10
    # Main colors of generated signs (color per line can be set in templates.yml)
    Output_Color: '&f'
    Taken_Color: '&f'
    # Show buyable regions on dynmap
    Enable_dynmap: true
    Markerset_Name: Simple region market
    Dynmap_Icon_Free: sign
    Dynmap_Icon_Taken: basket
    Dynmap_Show_On_Region_Loc: true
    Show_bid: true
    Show_let: true
    Show_rent: true
    Show_sell: true
  2. Offline


    I would recommend submitting a ticket to the developer on the bukkit page.
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