Best Bukkit Home Plugin?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Taketheword, Jul 25, 2013.

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    I am currently using uHome and was wondering if there are any noticeably better home plugins out there?
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    I use Essentials' built in home system, since it's part of a plugin on most any server I use.
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    You can do about anything, and it offers the best support ;)
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    I don't think that anyone will be able to tell you what home plugin is the best, simply because there are so many and most of them achieve the same goal.

    HomeSpawnPlus, which @Gunnerrrrr mentioned, is a great plugin that does quite a few things very well.

    If you need multi world support, specific fallbacks for spawn selection, and even more this is probably the best plugin for you.

    On the other hand, there's more than a handful of other home plugins that will do what most people need - which is setting homes and teleporting players to their home.

    You could give SimpleHomes a try :)
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