Solved Permissions not working correctly

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Hybris2, Jul 21, 2013.

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    Hello everyone,

    I have this weird issue with my chat plugin. I'm using it to give the chat some color, but the problem is that the color doesn't seem to match the permissions. For example: I have a player, and that player has the permission UniqueChat.chatcolor.BLUE (UniqueChat is the name of my plugin). I have a getColor method set up with a lot of if statements and it should return a nice ChatColor according to the permissions, now it is returning a ChatColor, but it's returning the ChatColor of the top if-statement. The other getcolor function I made works fine.

    Now I should also mention that I'm using my own permission plugin. And that that might also have a mistake that I'm not aware of. This makes it alot of code to upload here, and that is why I'll link the github repo.

    You can find the permissions in the UniquePerms config.yml.

    Thanks in advance,

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