[request pvp plugin] In more detail :)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Rockymma, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. Offline


    OceanCraft pvp plugin

    Moderator commands:
    /remove [Player] [Game]
    /add [Player] [Game]
    /stop [Game] [announce on close? [yes/no]]
    /team 1 [color] (to have a bunch of default colors for teams to spawn)
    /team 2 [color]
    /team list
    /team colors
    /ocmap [map] (allows loading of multiple maps)

    Permissions ideas:

    OceanCraft.remove.game for /remove [Player] [Game]
    OceanCraft.add.game for /add [Player] [Game]
    OceanCraft.stop.game.announce (allows player to stop game and announce it)
    OceanCraft.stop.game.false (doesn't announce the end of game)
    OceanCraft.Team.* (allows full modifications to the teams part of the plugin)
    OceanCraft.map (allows changing of maps)
    Oceancraft.* (every command in the plugin)

    Plugin needs to preform the following:
    allow players to join world
    wait 2 minutes after the world is opened to display the /rules as a pop-up on clients display
    /say &6The game will be starting in 15 seconds
    /say &6The game will be starting in 14 seconds
    /say &6The game will be starting in 13 seconds
    continue to count down until you hit 0
    plugin will randomly choose players divide them to 2 teams and warp them to that teams spawn
    say &5Game Has started good luck and Have fun!
    Start timer for 20 minutes after 20 minutes end match and teleport everyone to /spawn
    Players spawn with their teams colored leather armor they will spawn with a enchanted gold sword with knockback X and 1 golden apple (they will also have potion effect speed and night-vision for the entire match duration 23min
    when player has died it should teleport player back to the /spawn
    when game ends the team with the most players still alive with win the plugin will broadcast this to the entire server /broadcast &6&o{team} Just won tumblerun!
    tp all players left on playing field to /spawn
    refresh plugin and wait 5 minutes before allowing players to join world again

    Pvp warp sign

    line 1 [TumbleRun]
    line 2 [How many players]
    line 3 [joinable or not]
    line 4 OceanCraft Pvp

    Sign display for restarting world

    line 1 [==========]
    line 2 [Restarting]
    line 3 [==========]
    line 4 OceanCraft Pvp

    when clicking Pvp warp sign if game is not in progress and it waiting for players warp player clicking on sign to game lobby
    if the Join text on the 3 line of text on the sign is Gold then it is joinable if it is red then it is on going
    when the world is restarting and player interacts with the sign say the follwing txt -+This match is restarting comeback shortly+-

    This is my in more detail idea of the pvp plugin I will give full credit to the maker of this plugin as well as everything in our server store you will get vip!
  2. Offline


    Hello, This is a good idea for a plugin! I mayl be able to code it with my friend. Tell me your terms
  3. Offline


    Hey drMirman620 Glad you want to work on the project I am open to anything ideas the terms we can work out Please email me at [email protected] we can talk via email i will also show you the server so you can see what we are going for! Excited to have you apart of our crew! -rockymma CEO of OceanCraft

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