(re-request) per player censor (PPC)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by smackman17, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Offline


    This is a re-request of a request I made awhile back. If this breaks any forum rules, you may report this thread.

    Plugin name: Per Player Censor (PPC)

    What it would do: it would allow players to censor certain words on a blacklist, but others can choose to see the word.

    An example: player 1 doesn't want to see people's swears, so he/she can type a command and the censor would turn on for him/her, but player 2 doesn't mind swearing, so he/she doesn't have to have the censor on.

    /pcc enable - turns on the censor for the player
    /pcc disable - turns off the censor for that player
    /pcc on - same as /pcc enable
    /pcc off - same as /pcc disable
    /ppc add <word> - add commands to the blacklist
    /ppc remove <word> - remove commands from the blacklist

    pcc.use - let's player turn on/off censor
    pcc.admin - lets ops change censored words in game

    Censored words - list of words censored
    Character - symbol the censored word is blocked by (example: **** could be what the censored word looks like)

    When I would like it by: whenever it can be made.
  2. I think I could make something like that, but i would have to list a lot of swearwords.
  3. Offline


    in the config there could be a custom blacklist, as well as a few commands in games
  4. Offline



    That is all

    timtower likes this.
  5. Offline


    I'll Take this one, that is assuming your OK with the end result not being a stand-alone plugin.
    However, if you do wish for a Stand-Alone, Try making a ticket on some of the Anti-swear plugins out there.
    smackman17 likes this.

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