Error with my multi-paged help pages?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Trevor1134, Jun 24, 2013.

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    I need it so when:
    /justusadmin: Show info on the plugin and to type /justusadmin help for more command.
    /justusadmin help: show first page of cmds.
    /justusadmin help 1: Same as help.
    /justusadmin help 2: Show second page.
    /justusadmin reload: reload the config.
    /justusadmin feedback: Show ways to give me feedback..

    But its screwy for some reason.. Can you help me? Thanks in advance!
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    Compare strings using .equals(String) or .equalsIgnoreCase(String), not ==.
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    Superkabii That sounds like a preference thing and not something that will affect the working of the code?
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    It's rather important in Java. You should never be comparing Strings with ==.

    == will return false most of the time when you're comparing strings, with some exceptions (intern pool). This is because the == operator will check if they're the same object, not if they contain the same value/text.
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