Can someone explain this?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Bernabeast, Jun 19, 2013.

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    What "interface explosives" do you mean? world.createExplosion()?
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    Do you mean Explosives from here?
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    I mean like on a left click while holding a stick, it shoots out a snowball and the snowball hits a target and explodes:)


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
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    Oh god, you are here again. I wrote this plugin for you already, it's not exactly rocket science.
    In case you forgot, here is the source code. I have re-worked it to shoot a snowball that explodes on impact.

    Edit: In case you are completely lost, you are looking for the event listener. Here it is.
    foodyling likes this.
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    Look bro, you're a pro, I'm not so calm yourself:/ Thanks for the help rearguards.

    Since you're so good bitWolfy can u help me and tell me what this means? Ive done research. I beleive this is saying...

    Player player = (Player) sender;
    if(!player.hasPermission("flamestick.use")) {
    Message.send(player, "You do not have the necessary permission to use this command");
    return false;

    This means that we have declared All players "senders" and if they have
    flamestick.use , then let them use it, if not it will return "false" and tell them "You do not have the necessary permission to use this command"?????

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
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    Bernabeast Completely wrong. Import the Bukkit JavaDocs into your Java Build Path and hover over each method for a brief and to-the-point explanation of it.
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    What is it?
    import org.bukkit.javadocs
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    Bernabeast *facepalm* Did you even read the Bukkit Wiki?
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    I'd suggest learning some basic java outside of plugin development so that you can understand the foundation of java. All of your questions are basic java stuff, hence why you should learn that before you try to undertake a plugin.

    thenewboston has some good beginner java tutorials.
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    Obviously, you have no desire to learn Java, your just telling everyone to tell you how to do stuff, yet you don't even know what it means, or what to do with it... learn basic java before bukkit
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    Bernabeast I added some comments to the code - take a look. This is some really basic stuff, you should NOT have a problem with this.

    I dread having to explain to you what I am doing with metadata in the event listener, since you seem to be struggling with a very basic permissions check.
    Sgt_Tailor likes this.
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    Ok ill check it out sorry for the inconvinience

    Where the hell did you learn this from anyways!:eek:

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
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    Look at my above post.
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