Website for Minecraft (enjin)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Ethansup2082, Jun 6, 2013.

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    ...It's not hard....
    Making an Enjin website takes less than 10 mins... You can do it yourself.
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    Weel i dont want to lolz
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    Sorry if this sounds rude but...

    You come in here asking for someone to make a website because you are "busy". With what? You don't want to spend money on anything and aren't listening to suggestions. Honestly, Enjin is horrible but if you want it stop being lazy and make it, I made one in minutes, the biggest of noobs can do it. Also you take no effort in your post, the grammar and spelling wouldn't want anyone decent to spend his time on it. Once again, I'm sorry if that sounded rude but you need to be independent. Asking for help is fine, or a plugin if you can't code BUT an ENJIN site which is so simple you cannot do.
    tanveergt5 likes this.
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    • Language and Behavior is unacceptable
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    I believe my reply was meant to be encouraging. A way to put it that you should do some work instead of making us do it. Your post is inappropriate. Please watch the language you use on Bukkit forums. I advise you to read the rules again.
    tanveergt5 likes this.
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    Ethansup2082 I agree with 'themadman300'. If you are too lazy then you shouldn't be even think of making a minecraft server 'if this is what your ultimate plan it, sorry if I'm wrong'. Managing a server needs a hell load of free time and if you can even have time (or take some time out) and make a website that does not require coding, I don't think you are suitable for being a server owner then.
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    You expect people to set up a website for you that you clearly intend to profit from and you're going to talk to people this way? That is amazing. You should rethink your approach. You will get no where in life with an attitude like that sir. You might have better results if you were more polite to people here AND if you show some initiative and at the very least acquire the enjin site and fiddle with it for 5 minutes before turning to the busy bukkit community to do it for you.
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    This 12 year old kid, comes here expects people to do HIS WORK for HIM then says
    "I have no money"
    "I have no time" etc etc
    so why would we have time and money to help you? you're a massive noob who can't even make a 1 min enjin site which even a monkey could do. People like you are better off playing on other servers because you make the minecraft community look bad with pop up servers.
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    Locked. If you feel you can be more respectful, please feel free to make a new post.
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