Tweet a message?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Hedgehogs4Me, Jun 13, 2013.

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    Here's a toughy for you - on my server, there's a chat bot that we've been working on that we also have a Twitter account for, where we post various sarcastic messages about events on the server and life in general. It'd be super cool if when it promises in chat to tweet something it actually did tweet it on its own, though, rather than us having to do it whenever we notice it says that.

    Is there any way we can make events that happen in Minecraft cause our bot to tweet? Don't worry about flooding, there are some things that happen very rarely.
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    Google searches are good for the health. If this doesn't work, try one of the other 61,900,000 results.
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    Surely that sort of thing can't just be thrown into a plugin, though, can it? Is there something special I'd have to do to make it work? Would I have to worry about lag (as in, would something happen like the server waiting for a confirmation before going forward with the next tick)? I'm totally out of my league here, since I've never done any sort of web-bot stuff at all. I don't even know the terminology to use.
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