Admin Shops: What plugin handles yours?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Stormbow, Jun 5, 2013.

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    I want to set up an admin shop, not owned by any one particular player, to buy (and possibly sell) resources from (and to) the players.

    What plugins are recommended for this task?
  2. Offline


    An economy plugin and ChestShop does the trick.
  3. Offline


    I find Shopkeepers is the most reliable and that's what the server I admin uses - SignChestShop stopped working when we updated a bunch of other plugins and we wanted to get the server back up ASAP, so we trashed it, although it was rather nice at the time.
    We also need Vault economy stuff, though, so we got AdminShop and we use ServerSigns to let the players easily buy and sell emeralds. Honestly, I'd rather have it this way than if we somehow turned every single person's money into emeralds and abandoned our economy; this way we can give partial emeralds and really easily support other plugins. it takes a lot of plugins, sure, but it works.
  4. Offline


    I use ChestShop to sell stuff.

    If all you want to do is buy stuff from people, can't people just use the /sell command?
  5. Offline


    Chestshop. Chestshop for the win. Possibly essentials, if I can't be bothered typing Admin Shop xD
  6. Offline


    I use essentials shop super easy.
  7. Offline


    I have been using Chest Shop forever...i have had a "Pawn" shop where you could sell items for really low prices. but i gave up the admin shop for user shops. I grant each user a shop in the mall, its a 10 x 10 x 4 shop. my mall is huge and can accomodate many users. I reserve the first floor for top ranking and donator players. and the other two for the lower ranks. plus with world edit i can always //stack a new floor.
  8. Offline


    AdminShop, Why ?
    - Can Buy And Sell In One Sign
    - Can Change The Prefix From AdminShop Into Any You Like
    - Your Player Can Make Personal Shop Without Using Another Shop Plugin
  9. Offline


    Thanks, everyone! I'll look into ChestShop (thought it was outdated) and AdminShop.
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