[Req] [Formatted] AntiWorldDownload

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by johano1rct, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Offline


    No, this is impossible. If you did this, then what you set the blocks to be would be visible to everybody. The way world downloader works is it is in your client, and when you press download, the chunks that are sent to you already are just saved. This just takes the chunks that have loaded and saves them. You can't send the players false chunks, or else they would see the bad chunk with their client. I suppose you could check what type of client they are running with, I suppose, snooper somehow, except that would be complicated, so let's leave it at impossible.
  2. Offline


    You can send fake blocks to players. Its completely possible.
    All blocks that players cant see, you could fake send as tnt/redstone torch. Then if a player tried to world download the map, it would all explode & crash when they opened it up.
  3. Offline


    True, but how could they possibly move easily without glitching? Also, the person that downloads it can run something like McEDIT and remove all of the TNT in the map. Also, wouldn't you be able to see torches in the sky?
  4. Offline


    Only blocks that are at 0 light level & are surrounded by other blocks, similar to how OreObfuscator does it :)
  5. Offline


    Is it possible to make a plugin that automatically temporarily ban's people from your server if they have the WorldDownloader Mod?
  6. Offline


    I had the same problem today. A player with this mod downloaded the map of my serv. There is a map created by myself, and it really bother me if he shares the map on internet.
    Please, make a plugin against this mod!
  7. Offline


    Honestly, I don't think it is worth going through the trouble of obfuscating the map just so people can not steal it from your server. Even if you change all non-visible blocks to TNT, I could download the map and open it in McEdit, remove all of the primed TNT and be good to go. Your little trick would only fool people with a brain once.

    You're always going to have people stealing your map, but you just have to be prestigious enough for other people to realize that servers using your map are not the original owners. And seeing that the mod developer is not into blocking it at all, he may even find a workaround for your preventative plugins after some of his users get to complaining about maps crashing because of primed TNT in their worlds lol.
  8. Offline


    I have an idea that could destroy the map when downloaded. You place a wool roof above your spawn or map [like an artificial sky] and on the top put lava with the gamerule doFireTrick off on your server. When the player downloads the map the wool will burn and cover the map in lava.

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