Solved New factions problem

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by dragonrykr, Apr 27, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    The problem is that my players can't give mods and admins or leaders and officers to any player in their faction. Please tell me how to do this, because i gave defaults factions.leader.any, factions.officer.any and factions.kit.fullplayer and it still doesn't work

    And i have a problem because there isn't anymore the name of faction left of username of the player. And i have the problem with faction chat, players can't access it also.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
  2. Offline


    please help me with faction chat, how to use it, because it was easier before, now it updated all, and with name left of player....
  3. Offline



    Ok, i finished first problem, because Factions has upadted with some strange features, how to use factionchat now???
    P.S. The version of factions is 1.8.2

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
  4. Offline



    Ok, i found that it wasn't new, it was just another branch (silly me :)), but can someone explain new chat and tag system, because my last version of Factions was, and i am new to this new features

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    Problem is i don't understand it quite well. Do i need Herochat plugin for Faction Chat to work?
  7. Offline


    Essentials Chat will do the job if you installed Essentials ...
  8. Offline


    I have installed Essentials, but how can my players chat now with these new features?
  9. Offline


    Are you referring to /f chat feature or chat prefixes?
  10. Offline


    First do the /f chat, chat prefix isn't so much important.
  11. Offline


  12. Offline


    thx, then what for chat prefix?
  13. Offline


    to show which fac you're in at chat
  14. Offline


    Yes, but it doesn't show it, it showed it when it was version How to return it now in 1.8.2?
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    ok but i don't understand it, it is very messed up so i don't grab a thing there
  17. Offline


    New chat string tag replacements:
    {faction_relcolor} - replaced by relation color (red for enemy, green for member, white for neutral, etc.)
    {faction_roleprefix} - replaced by role prefix (** for faction leader, * for faction officer, nothing otherwise)
    {faction_title} - replaced by faction title if one exists
    {faction_tag} - replaced by faction tag if the player is in a faction, or nothing if factionless
    {faction_tagforce} - replaced by faction tag regardless of whether in a faction or not Note that additional formatting can be applied by appending one of the formats listed in "chatSingleFormats". For example, to have the faction tag listed with right padding (extra " " space to right of faction tag if present), you would use the tag {faction_tag_pr}. To have the faction tag left-padded, it would similarly be {faction_tag_pl}.
  18. Offline


    ok, how do you mean follow?
  19. Offline


    [faction_roleprefix][faction_tag] {DISPLAYNAME} :
  20. Offline


    so what to do with that thing
  21. Offline


    put it in ur chat config like how u did with 1.6.x
  22. Offline


    well, i never opened config in 1.6.x and there were chat prefixes automatically

      "colorMember": "GREEN",
      "colorAlly": "LIGHT_PURPLE",
      "colorTruce": "LIGHT_PURPLE",
      "colorNeutral": "WHITE",
      "colorEnemy": "RED",
      "colorNoPVP": "GOLD",
      "colorFriendlyFire": "DARK_RED",
      "factionFlagDefaults": {
        "PERMANENT": false,
        "PEACEFUL": false,
        "INFPOWER": false,
        "POWERLOSS": true,
        "PVP": true,
        "FRIENDLYFIRE": false,
        "MONSTERS": true,
        "EXPLOSIONS": true,
        "FIRESPREAD": true,
        "ENDERGRIEF": false
      "factionPermDefaults": {
        "BUILD": [
        "PAINBUILD": [],
        "DOOR": [
        "BUTTON": [
        "LEVER": [
        "CONTAINER": [
        "INVITE": [
        "KICK": [
        "SETHOME": [
        "WITHDRAW": [
        "TERRITORY": [
        "CAPE": [
        "ACCESS": [
        "DISBAND": [
        "PERMS": [
      "factionRankDefault": "RECRUIT",
      "powerPlayerMax": 10.0,
      "powerPlayerMin": -10.0,
      "powerPlayerStarting": 0.0,
      "powerPerMinute": 0.2,
      "powerPerDeath": 4.0,
      "scaleNegativePower": false,
      "scaleNegativeDivisor": 40.0,
      "powerRegenOffline": false,
      "powerOfflineLossPerDay": 0.0,
      "powerOfflineLossLimit": 0.0,
      "powerFactionMax": 0.0,
      "prefixLeader": "**",
      "prefixOfficer": "*",
      "prefixMember": "+",
      "prefixRecruit": "-",
      "factionTagLengthMin": 3,
      "factionTagLengthMax": 10,
      "factionTagForceUpperCase": false,
      "newFactionsDefaultOpen": false,
      "factionMemberLimit": 0,
      "newPlayerStartingFactionID": "0",
      "canLeaveWithNegativePower": true,
      "chatSetFormat": false,
      "chatSetFormatTo": "<{faction_relcolor}§l{faction_roleprefix}§r{faction_relcolor}{faction_tag_pr}§f%s> %s",
      "chatParseTags": true,
      "chatParseTagsColored": false,
      "chatSingleFormats": {
        "pb": " %s ",
        "pl": " %s",
        "pr": "%s "
      "chatTagFormat": "%s§f",
      "herochatFactionName": "Faction",
      "herochatFactionNick": "F",
      "herochatFactionFormat": "{color}[&l{nick}&r{color} &l{faction_roleprefix}&r{color}{faction_title_pr}{sender}{color}] &f{msg}",
      "herochatFactionColor": "GREEN",
      "herochatFactionDistance": 0,
      "herochatFactionIsShortcutAllowed": false,
      "herochatFactionCrossWorld": true,
      "herochatFactionMuted": false,
      "herochatFactionWorlds": [],
      "herochatAlliesName": "Allies",
      "herochatAlliesNick": "A",
      "herochatAlliesFormat": "{color}[&l{nick}&r&f {faction_relcolor}&l{faction_roleprefix}&r{faction_relcolor}{faction_tag_pr}{sender}{color}] &f{msg}",
      "herochatAlliesColor": "DARK_PURPLE",
      "herochatAlliesDistance": 0,
      "herochatAlliesIsShortcutAllowed": false,
      "herochatAlliesCrossWorld": true,
      "herochatAlliesMuted": false,
      "herochatAlliesWorlds": [],
      "herochatAllyName": "Allies",
      "broadcastDescriptionChanges": false,
      "saveToFileEveryXMinutes": 30.0,
      "autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity": 10.0,
      "autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes": 5.0,
      "autoLeaveRoutineMaxMillisecondsPerTick": 5,
      "removePlayerDataWhenBanned": true,
      "worldGuardChecking": false,
      "lwcIntegration": false,
      "onUnclaimResetLwcLocks": false,
      "onCaptureResetLwcLocks": false,
      "logFactionCreate": true,
      "logFactionDisband": true,
      "logFactionJoin": true,
      "logFactionKick": true,
      "logFactionLeave": true,
      "logLandClaims": true,
      "logLandUnclaims": true,
      "logMoneyTransactions": true,
      "logPlayerCommands": true,
      "handleExploitObsidianGenerators": true,
      "handleExploitEnderPearlClipping": true,
      "handleExploitInteractionSpam": true,
      "handleExploitTNTWaterlog": false,
      "homesEnabled": true,
      "homesMustBeInClaimedTerritory": true,
      "homesTeleportToOnDeath": true,
      "homesRespawnFromNoPowerLossWorlds": true,
      "homesTeleportCommandEnabled": true,
      "homesTeleportCommandEssentialsIntegration": true,
      "homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectEnabled": true,
      "homesTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory": true,
      "homesTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld": true,
      "homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance": 32.0,
      "homesTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory": true,
      "friendlyFireFromRel": "TRUCE",
      "disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers": false,
      "enablePVPAgainstFactionlessInAttackersLand": false,
      "noPVPDamageToOthersForXSecondsAfterLogin": 3,
      "permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion": false,
      "claimsMustBeConnected": false,
      "claimingFromOthersAllowed": true,
      "claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction": true,
      "claimsRequireMinFactionMembers": 1,
      "claimedLandsMax": 0,
      "radiusClaimFailureLimit": 9,
      "protectOfflineFactionsFromExplosions": false,
      "offlineExplosionProtectionDelay": 2.0,
      "actionDeniedPainAmount": 1,
      "permanentFactionMemberDenyCommands": [],
      "territoryNeutralDenyCommands": [],
      "territoryEnemyDenyCommands": [
      "territoryShieldFactor": 0.3,
      "pistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild": true,
      "spoutFactionTagsOverNames": true,
      "spoutFactionTitlesOverNames": true,
      "spoutHealthBarUnderNames": true,
      "spoutHealthBarLeft": "{c}[",
      "spoutHealthBarSolid": "|",
      "spoutHealthBarBetween": "&8",
      "spoutHealthBarEmpty": "|",
      "spoutHealthBarRight": "{c}]",
      "spoutHealthBarSolidsPerEmpty": 1.0,
      "spoutHealthBarColorTag": "{c}",
      "spoutHealthBarWidth": 30,
      "spoutHealthBarColorUnderQuota": {
        "1.0": "&2",
        "0.8": "&a",
        "0.5": "&e",
        "0.4": "&6",
        "0.3": "&c",
        "0.2": "&4"
      "spoutCapes": true,
      "spoutTerritoryDisplayPosition": 1,
      "spoutTerritoryDisplaySize": 1.0,
      "spoutTerritoryDisplayShowDescription": true,
      "spoutTerritoryAccessShow": true,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeShow": true,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeTop": 40,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeShowDescription": false,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeSize": 1.5,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeLeaveAfterSeconds": 2.0,
      "econEnabled": false,
      "econUniverseAccount": "",
      "econCostClaimWilderness": 30.0,
      "econCostClaimFromFactionBonus": 30.0,
      "econClaimAdditionalMultiplier": 0.5,
      "econClaimRefundMultiplier": 0.7,
      "econClaimUnconnectedFee": 0.0,
      "econCostCreate": 100.0,
      "econCostSethome": 30.0,
      "econCostJoin": 0.0,
      "econCostLeave": 0.0,
      "econCostKick": 0.0,
      "econCostInvite": 0.0,
      "econCostHome": 0.0,
      "econCostTag": 0.0,
      "econCostDesc": 0.0,
      "econCostTitle": 0.0,
      "econCostList": 0.0,
      "econCostMap": 0.0,
      "econCostPower": 0.0,
      "econCostShow": 0.0,
      "econCostOpen": 0.0,
      "econCostAlly": 0.0,
      "econCostTruce": 0.0,
      "econCostNeutral": 0.0,
      "econCostEnemy": 0.0,
      "econLandRewardTaskRunsEveryXMinutes": 20,
      "econLandReward": 0.0,
      "bankEnabled": true,
      "bankFactionPaysCosts": true,
      "bankFactionPaysLandCosts": true,
      "playersWhoBypassAllProtection": [],
      "worldsNoClaiming": [
      "worldsNoPowerLoss": [],
      "worldsIgnorePvP": []
    Ok this is my config, can you tell me what to replace here?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
  23. Offline


    "chatSetFormat": false, > true
  24. Offline


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