Need help finding a plugin please

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by MichaelVelsion, Apr 3, 2013.

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    I've been searching for a plugin that executes a command(s) when a player joins for the first time. I can't find any that do it - but I though this was a simple idea - does anyone know if a plugin like this exists?
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    Super User

    Does anybody know that 'Plugin Requests' exist? Just file a request and someone will make you a plugin.
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    I know.. I wanted to know if it existed before I requested it.. Waste of a reply.
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    something like a welcome join message?
  5. Offline


    Please respond with what type of commands you want the server to do.
    Example: /give, /help, /list
    Answer soon.
  6. Offline

    Super User

    Not a waste of a post, they will tell you if it exists. Now shoo go over there.
  7. Offline


    You could get a command block put under a pressure plate and do
    /[The command you want here] @p
    then when someone stands on the pressure plat it take the @p
    and replaces it with that players name and thus doing the command you want
    set it as a player first spawn point and the command block also with the command
    /manuadd @p builder
    And do /setspawn default
    ontop of the pressure plate so that when they spawn New they are there and then go to your real spawn
    and do /setspawn builder
    So when they do /spawn they go there instead of the pressure plate again.
    If you don't understand what I am trying to say please say so I can clarify what I am saying.

    Also you can add the command you want it to do in the command block aswell as the others.
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