How to ignore messages from commands?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by kreashenz, Mar 28, 2013.

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    I want to know how to be able to ignore messages from commands, like /broadcast, /say, and other server broadcasting things. Would I need to check if the message equals something, or starts with something, because I don't know if that'd work, coz I haven't tried this before.. To be honest, is this actually easy, or am I just stupid, and can't think of better ways to do this. Thanks..
  2. Offline


    You need the playerCommandPreprocessingEvent, to check if it is the command you want to block or not, and to act consequently.
  3. Offline


    How do you check the command, it only checks messages.. ( I haven't used this before, and I'm reading the javadoc now )
  4. Offline


    Well, check if the message starts with "/"+commandname
  5. Offline


    Ahhh, but how would it catch the senders name, not the person who's trying to block the commands.. I am kinda new to this, so explain a little more vague.
  6. Offline


    event.getPlayer is the player who sent the message/command.
  7. Offline


    Ahh, LOLOLOL, I'm stupid :D Ok I will finish the command and get back to you.

    Nitnelave Sorry, but I need an example one, I got lost on what I was doing while I was AFK..

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
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    public void onPreCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent e){
        Player sender = e.getPlayer();
            sender.sendMessage("There is no spawn! muahaha");
  9. Offline


    @ZuesAllMighty11 Ahaha, Ok, but why set their health to 1 heart.. That's just mean :) Thanks ! If I add a if(e.getPlayer().isOp())e.setCancelled(true); will that cancel out command, or just that one?
  10. Offline


    Explain what you are trying to do, im confused?
  11. Offline


    x0pk1n Basically if a player types the /onduty or /offduty command, they will/will not receive /report messages. I guess I coulda said this before, but my explaining skills are retarded, aren't they?
  12. Offline


    If you add that line, you will basically prevent op from using any command or talking to anyone...
  13. Offline


    kreashenz So what code have you got? As this isn't a request forum, it is the develpment forum.
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    x0pk1n If this was the request forum then there wouldn't be much of java talk at all
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    GodzOfMadness If this was a development forum, he would have show us what he has and is trying.
  16. Offline


    x0pk1n Well if you read the thread you would know that he didn't know how to cover a certain aspect so he came on the "development forum" for help
  17. Offline


    GodzOfMadness Then where is the code he has tried for this aspect?
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    x0pk1n GodzOfMadness I was trying, and I think I got it, but I can't test it, because.. Well, I don't know why its not working, but I can just type /duty and it doesn't actually do anything.. Here is my whole Duty ( /onduty | /offduty ) code, that I have made so far.
    2. package me.kreashenz.minecraftrp.Commands;
    4. import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
    5. import org.bukkit.command.Command;
    6. import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
    7. import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
    8. import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    9. import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
    10. import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
    11. import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent;
    13. import me.kreashenz.minecraftrp.MCRP;
    14. import me.kreashenz.minecraftrp.Utilities.Functions;
    16. public class Duty implements Listener, CommandExecutor {
    18. public MCRP plugin;
    19. public Duty(MCRP plugin){this.plugin=plugin;}
    20. public static Boolean onDuty = Boolean.valueOf(false);
    22. @Override
    23. public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args){
    24. if(cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("duty")){
    25. if(sender instanceof Player){
    26. if(sender.hasPermission("mcrp.duty")){
    27. if(args.length==0){
    28. if(Boolean.valueOf(false)){
    29. Boolean.valueOf(true);
    30. sender.sendMessage("§eYou are now §con-duty§e, and will recieve Reports.");
    31. Bukkit.broadcastMessage("§c" + sender.getName() + "§e is now §con-duty§e, and will be taking reports!");
    32. } else if(Boolean.valueOf(true)){
    33. Boolean.valueOf(false);
    34. sender.sendMessage("§eYou are now §coff-duty§6, and will not recieve Reports.");
    35. Bukkit.broadcastMessage("§c" + sender.getName() + "§e is now §coff-duty§e, and will be taking reports!");
    36. }
    37. }
    38. } else sender.sendMessage(Functions.noPerm());
    39. } else sender.sendMessage("§çYou must be player to use this command.");
    40. }
    41. return true;
    42. }
    43. @EventHandler
    44. public void onPreCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent e){
    45. if(e.getMessage().startsWith("/report")){
    46. if(Boolean.valueOf(true)){
    47. e.setMessage(null);
    48. } else if(Boolean.valueOf(false)){ e.setMessage(e.getMessage());}
    49. }
    50. }
    51. }
  20. Offline


    Boolean.valueof(true) is the exact same thing as simply true, only more confusing. So when you do if(Boolean.valueof(false)), this code will never be executed... I think you're missing something like if player.isOnDuty(), player.setOnDuty(true); etc...
    Did you register the command in your plugin.yml? And did you register the commandExecutor in your main onEnable ?
  21. Offline


    Nitnelave Yes, and yes. I just get confused when using the if(Boolean.valueOf(true)){..
  22. Offline


    Well, if(true) is always executed. It's not really a test. I wouldn't be surprised if the compiler removed it.
  23. Offline


    Nitnelave So basically what you're saying, ( or what I'm interpreting ) is that I should replace if(Boolean.valueOf(true)){ with if(true) ?
  24. Offline


    package me.kreashenz.minecraftrp.Commands;
    import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
    import org.bukkit.command.Command;
    import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
    import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
    import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
    import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
    import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent;
    import me.kreashenz.minecraftrp.MCRP;
    import me.kreashenz.minecraftrp.Utilities.Functions;
    public class Duty implements Listener, CommandExecutor {
        public MCRP plugin;
        public Duty(MCRP plugin){this.plugin=plugin;}
        public List<String> onDuty = new List<String>();
        public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args){
                if(sender instanceof Player){
                                sender.sendMessage("§eYou are now §con-duty§e, and will recieve Reports.");
                                Bukkit.broadcastMessage("§c" + sender.getName() + "§e is now §con-duty§e, and will be taking reports!");
                            } else {
                                sender.sendMessage("§eYou are now §coff-duty§6, and will not recieve Reports.");
                                Bukkit.broadcastMessage("§c" + sender.getName() + "§e is now §coff-duty§e, and will not be taking reports!");
                    } else sender.sendMessage(Functions.noPerm());
                } else sender.sendMessage("§çYou must be player to use this command.");
            return true;
        public void onPreCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent e){
            for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
             if (p.isOp() && onDuty.contains(p.getName()) {
             p.sendMessage("[Report] "+e.getMessage().replace("/report", ""));
    As always, not tested
  25. Offline


    molenzwiebel Uhm, da hell is this? I got an error on public List.. Cannot instantiate the type List<String>
  26. Offline


    kreashenz This is the right code, and it should be
    public List<String> onDuty = new ArrayList<String>();
  27. Offline


    molenzwiebel Ok, /duty turns you on/off but the messages aren't getting blocked.. I've haven't tried while Deopped, because I don't even think permissions are working.. How do I test if permissions are working?
  28. Offline


    add e.setCancelled(true); to the preprocessevent after you make sure the message is /report
  29. Offline


    It looks like you're trying to take unnecessary steps here. You want a player's /report to only go to on duty OPs? Why don't you keep a list of on duty OPs and add/remove OPs to the list when they use /onduty or /offduty, then in the /report command listener just send the message to on duty OPs. Something like this for /report:
    // Where onDuty is a List of on duty OPs, and message is the report.
    for(Player p : onDuty) {
    That's it. It only on duty OPs will receive the message, and there's no need to take extra steps to make sure off duty OPs don't.
  30. Offline


    hockeygoalie5 What would this onDuty list be.. Something like, List<Player> duty = onDuty.????
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