Chatmand (Chat on command *demand*)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by hikeno19, Mar 18, 2013.

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    Plugin category: Chat Related

    Suggested name: Chatmand

    What I want: When used a command specified in a config, it sends a specific message which is assigned to the command from the config to the person that executed the command.

    Ideas for commands: If the "specified command in config" is not possible, then can it be like /donate and it sends the person that executed it a url.
    Ideas for permissions: chatmand.command

    When I'd like it by: ASAP.
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    this statement is very unclear
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    You can do this with PwnFilter -

    While the plugin is primarily an anti-swear plugin, it also creates "Aliases" - which is what you are looking for, after decrypting your post and thinking about it for a minute.

    Basically you want to be able to create a custom command that does something.. with PwnFilter you can create a "rule" like the following:

    match /dance
    require command dance
    then replace
    then command me dances&string
    When a player types /dance it will emote "Player dances" If they type /dance like the wind it would emote "Player dances like the wind" using the &string replacement message. Sound complex? It really isn't.. give it a try

    Or you could use the warn system which isn't really a warning at all.. to send just that player a message.

    match /donate
    require command donate
    then deny
    then warn The URL to donate is
    The built in warn of PwnFilter does nothing more than display a message to the user so it can also be used as an "info" command as well.
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